Hot Selling Puzzles


Sophie B


Absolutely charming! These little wooden puzzles are beautifully crafted and provide a delightful challenge.

Adam G


I'm hooked! These small wooden puzzles are addictive and make for a fantastic way to relax and unwind

Olivia M


A must -have for puzzle enthusiasts! These little wooden puzzles offer a refreshing twist to traditional puzzles. Highly recommended!

Max W


Equisite craftmanship! The quality and precision of these wooden puzzles are unmatched. I'm in awe.

Puzzle Art Australia

Welcome to Puzzle Art Australia! As the artist-founder, I derive immense joy from transforming my artwork into wooden puzzles. Each puzzle is a canvas, deconstructed to grant you the delight of recreating the art and making it uniquely yours. Beyond the challenge, these puzzles become cherished artworks, ready to grace your living spaces. With a commitment to Australia's beauty and sustainability, we offer a mindful, artful journey to all. Join me in shaping this captivating artistic venture!

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